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Buy Raltegravir 400 mg Online & Free Shipping At MedixoCentre

Buy Raltegravir 400 mg Online & Free Shipping At MedixoCentre

HIV has been one of the most commonly found diseases these days in a lot of people and initially, there had been a lot of issues in treating this disease. But, these days HIV can be treated with the prescription of Raltegravir 400 mg. A lot of doctors these days prescribe this medicine to people suffering from HIV and this medicine has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). If you need to buy Raltegravir Online & Free Shipping At MedixoCentre.

Where to buy Raltegravir 400 mg Tablet Online?

Raltegravir 400 mg Tablet is manufactured under the brand names Isentress and Zepdon and is available in different strengths and dosages.

This medicine can be given to both children and adults however there has to be a weight check done in order to prescribe this medicine. This medicine has been found to be an effective cure to fight against the virus causing HIV and also Raltegravir 400 mg is always prescribed in combination with the other HIV medicines.

Patients prescribed with these medicines can choose to Buy Raltegravir Online at a prescription or you can check the Raltegravir Cost too by making an inquiry for Isentress 400 mg.

Raltegravir 400 mg Tablet has been found to be an effective cure for HIV because as it belongs to the family of integrase inhibitors which are apparently one of the best ANTI-HIV drugs. These inhibitors are known to fight against the enzyme called integrase effectively. It is also known to block and prevent HIV from further multiplying in the body. However, you can visit here to know more about Raltegravir mechanism of action.

Though there isn’t any single medicine that is prescribed to cure HIV completely, Raltegravir 400 mg or any other medicines when taken in combination with the other HIV medicines can increase the lifespan of the people and helps them to avoid the transmission of HIV.

Raltegravir 400 mg Tablet Precautions to take while taking:

Taking this medicine under the proper guidance of a licensed doctor is the most important thing to be done. Remember to keep the doctor informed if you have some serious allergies towards any of the components present in Raltegravir. In general, you must also keep the doctor informed about any other allergies which you are prone to.

  1. Liver-related and heart-related problems should be openly discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine.
  2. If you have had treatment for any of the muscle-related problems like rhabdomyolysis or myopathy, you must certainly keep the doctors informed about the entire history in order to receive proper treatment.
  3. If there are complaints about the increased creatine kinase levels in the blood should also be informed to the doctor prior to the treatment. It is recommended to get a blood check done before taking this medicine.
  4. People who are under dialysis and also the ones suffering from phenylketonuria (PKU) should certainly tell the doctors prior to the treatment of HIV with Raltegravir.
  5. Ladies who are planning to conceive or the ones who are pregnant should also keep the doctors informed about their condition.
  6. Mothers who are breast-feeding should mandatorily let the doctors know before taking this medicine. The ones who are into any sort of birth control plans or under birth control pills should seek medical practitioner’s advice before taking this medicine.
  7. Do not take any other medicines orally while you are taking this medicine as the components present in both the medicines would react and lead to fatal damages.

Raltegravir 400 mg How to take?

This medicine comes in different dosages and it comes in the form of tablets. Remember to take this only after a proper prescription from a licensed medical practitioner. The medicine can be taken before or after food and at a regular time for quick and effective results.

This medicine comes in both chewable and non-chewable forms hence; it can be taken as a whole using water or chewed depending on the type of medicine bought. This medicine can also be dissolved in the water but the solution should be taken within 30 minutes and the tablets for oral suspension come separately in a kit.

Everything needed would be part of the kit and the instructions to be followed would also be mentioned clearly on the kit.

Dosages and strengths of the medicine

Chewable medicines of 25 and 100 mg under the brand name Isentress are available online along with the Raltegravir cost.

Oral suspension kit (single-use) of 100 mg is also available under the brand name Isentress 400 and 600 mg film-coated tablets under the brand name Isentress HD are also available online along with the Raltegravir price.

Side effects:

  1. Dizziness
  2. Nausea
  3. Skin reactions and allergies
  4. Liver issues
  5. IRIS – An immune system related side-effect which occurs post the treatment
  6. Muscle pain
  7. Weakness and fatigue

These are some of the major side-effects of taking this medicine. It is good to seek medical advice if these problems become severe.

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