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Sovaldi (Sofosbuvir) 400 mg Cost With Free Doorstep Delivery Know - Medixo

Sovaldi (Sofosbuvir) 400 mg Cost With Free Doorstep Delivery Know - Medixo

It is one of the drugs that came to the limelight in the United States of America in 2013 and is on the list of the World Health Organization's Essential List of Medicines. It spread its wing to various parts of the world and is one of the most popular drugs to cure hepatitis ailments. Sovaldi Cost plays a major role when you are living in countries like USA, UK, Romania, and Mexico. When you have hepatitis C, your doctor will prescribe Sofosbuvir along with other combinations of drugs like Daclatasvir, Ledipasvir, Velpatasvir, Ribarivin.

Sovaldi (Sofosbuvir) Cost in India

Sovaldi Cost in India is under $299 for the entire course. The market is quite competitive with the introduction of generic drugs, and there is price competition in the country. More and more Indian companies are slashing the medicine price to expand and hold their market share. There is a considerable price difference in various generic brands in the country.

Sovaldi (Sofosbuvir) generic Medicine Indian Pharmacy At Medixocentre

Gilead Sciences applied for a patent in India way back in 2014 for exclusive rights of manufacturing and selling the product. The Indian patent office rejected the application. The company filed a petition in the High Court at Delhi and got a ruling in their favor. However, while the case was pending, Gilead Sciences gave Voluntary Licenses to other Indian drug manufacturers to produce this drug and sell overseas against a royalty of 7% to them. It is a pity that 73 million hepatitis C patients in India stayed out of the modern discovery and treatment with Sofosbuvir.

Gilead Sciences started to give generic licenses to manufacturers of 91 developing countries to expand the business, having 54% of total HCV patients in the world. In India, Gilead started selling the name brand version. Nine companies' launched the generic version of the medication, and there was a fierce cost-cutting battle. It is as per media reports of 2015.

With Sovaldi generic medicines flooded the Indian market within a short span. Various brands are available now. The generic medicines are available in brand names of Hepcinat, Myhep, Sofovir, Sovihep, and Resof in a pack of 28 tablets. For more information about pricing and buying, please feel free to contact us. Hence we are shipping worldwide.

We are 24*7 available to provide Sofosbuvir generic at the best possible prices. You can make Call/WhatsApp at or send an email at

Apart from the United States of America, Sovaldi is in use in many countries like Japan, South Korea, Germany, United Kingdom, Croatia, Switzerland, and other developing countries. The story in India was a bit a different.

Sovaldi (Sofosbuvir) Cost in USA and UK

The Sofosbuvir Cost in USA and UK varies according to the course of treatment. In the United States of America, the course cost between US $ 84,000 to 1, 68,000. Again in the United Kingdom, the cost can extend to 35,000 pounds for a 12-week treatment plan.

Sovaldi (Sofosbuvir) Discounted Prices

Egypt has the highest hepatitis C cases, and Gilead gave an offer to the Egyptian Government to supply the medicine at a discounted Sovaldi Prices rate of US $ 900. The Egyptian Government agreed to the offer. They, however, supplied the medicine free to the ailing patients. In due course, Gilead introduced a licensed version of Sofosbuvir in Egypt.

Gilead Sciences also tied up with its licensed Indian partners to sell the product in Algeria. Allegations made by some of the critics that the company overlooked developing countries having a middle income. Gilead moved against it in 2015, although countries like Algeria had 70,000 cases in the year 2011. Indian Sofosbuvir 400 mg is always more preferable than an Egyptian one. Indian generic Sofosbuvir has been made under the license of Gilead science like Sovaldi.


The journey of sofosbuvir will always remain controversial due to the production and pricing strategy of Gilead Sciences, availability in one market, case in one country for patent rights. Discounted Sofosbuvir Prices in Egypt, or ignoring middle-income countries like Algeria for profit, will stay in the people's minds. However, the Indian generic version of the medication is much cheaper and affordable. Ignoring all these, otherwise, it is a success story.

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